【SIGN UP NOW】7/31 Webinar : Enhancing Zero-Trust Strategy via Endpoint Threat Hunting

Beyond Detection:
Proactive Intelligence-driven Defense

ThreatSonar Anti-Ransomware Endpoint Detection & Response platform to stay ahead in continuous threat intelligence prediction and to monitor abnormal behaviors at all times. The platform is dedicated to fight against advanced persistent threats (APTs) and ransomware.

Build upon your cyber defense NOW!

We'll demo how our intelligence-driven solutions can help you defend against cyber threats and simplify your cybersecurity operations.
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Continuous Monitoring, No Threats Can Hide

Through the engine's self-learning mechanism, it can automatically identify commonly used or new malicious programs and effectively detect encrypted files.

MITRE ATT&CK® Alignment for Accelerated Attack Investigation

Since each security event is tagged with the relevant ATT&CK tactics and techniques, the cybersecurity team can instantly assess the effectiveness of their defenses against certain adversary groups.

Visualization to Quickly Identify Event Trajectories

By visualizing the path of attack, cybersecurity analysts can easily identify and gain a deeper understanding of the attacker's behavior, facilitating rapid incident recognition and enabling effective mitigation measures.

Timeline Presents the Overall Picture of Incidents

Through the event timeline, presenting in both node-focused and event-centric ways, the chronological analysis can speed up the incident investigation.

How does ThreatSonar comprehensively prevent ransomware attacks?

Threat Prediction

Threat Intelligence


Detect New Program


Real-time Response


System Restore Protection

Why ThreatSonar Anti-Ransomware ?

Effective Cybersecurity Protection
Effective Cybersecurity Protection

High detection coverage, precise blocking of potential threats.

Reduced Response Time
Reduced Response Time

Automatically analyze threats, expedite incident handling.

Alleviate Alert Fatigue
Alleviate Alert Fatigue

Assist cybersecurity personnel in assessing risk levels, focus on handling high-risk incidents.

Lighten Human Detection Burden
Lighten Human Detection Burden

Automated intelligent threat hunting, proactively discovering lurking threats in the environment.

Incident Mitigation, Minimize Losses
Incident Mitigation, Minimize Losses

Prevent lateral movement, remediate threat damage.

ThreatSonar Anti-Ransomware solution is awarded 2024 Computex Best Choice Award - Golden Award

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