[APT Threat Landscape in APAC] Blurred Lines of Cyber Attacks
ThreatSonar Anti-Ransomware Resources

ThreatSonar Anti-Ransomware Risk Subscription - Customize your own risk protection

2021.03.17Product Management
In recent years, in order to prevent advanced persistent threats (APT), many cybersecurity companies have invested in the field of endpoint protection and conducted endpoint event analysis to help locate threats and formulate countermeasures. However, most methods are based on the built-in rules of the detection tool to determine the risk level of the event, which means that a "set of standards" is applied to all corporate clients.

Risk protection can also be "customized"

Regarding cybersecurity protection, the priorities required by each enterprise field may be slightly different. In terms of endpoint protection, APTs must undoubtedly be treated as high-level threats and processed with priority. In addition, there are many other risk events (such as violation of internal corporate regulations), and each enterprise actually has different needs.
Enterprise cybersecurity protection needs are different. TeamT5 launched ThreatSonar Anti-Ransomware with threat identification and response platform to provide the greatest flexibility. With the latest function "Risk Subscription" (Threat Subscription), you can customize your exclusive threat protection.
With ThreatSonar Anti-Ransomware Risk Subscription, we create unique risk protection for each client, no longer "one set of rules to rule the world."

You decide your own risk level

Through ThreatSonar Anti-Ransomware risk subscription, we can customize risk events for enterprises, but there are many risk projects, limited cybersecurity manpower, and risk levels may also change with company policy adjustments.
In view of this, in addition to subscribing to risk items, the ThreatSonar Anti-Ransomware risk subscription function also provides "custom risk level" support. Security personnel can determine the risk level by themselves. For example, they can set which high-risk attack events need to be dealt with immediately when they occur. , Which events are suspicious and require further investigation, and which risk events are only of low risk level (for example, a colleague's use of information equipment violates the company's cybersecurity regulations).
The risk level can be determined by oneself and adjusted at any time, which improves the flexibility and convenience of enterprise cybersecurity protection. Enterprises can allocate internal cybersecurity manpower more efficiently and perform relevant processing according to different risk levels.

Instant alerts for cybersecurity incidents, making incident investigation no longer complicated

In the past, if security personnel wanted to investigate whether an enterprise had been invaded by a Remote Access Trojan (RAT), they usually needed to confirm several file characteristics, such as whether the risk file attempted to enumerate files or processes, Whether there is an ongoing network connection, etc., if the above characteristic behaviors are present, it can be confirmed that the endpoint has been attacked by a Trojan horse program. However, there are many characteristics to consider, and these behaviors may be spread across several risk profiles, making the overall incident investigation relatively time-consuming.
Through the ThreatSonar Anti-Ransomware risk subscription function, we help you combine multiple characteristic behaviors to issue clear and real-time alerts for a single cyber attack event. This not only effectively reduces the burden of security personnel’s investigation, but also allows for immediate response and disposal of important information.

ThreatSonar Anti-Ransomware risk subscription function is the best cybersecurity protection for enterprises. Please contact TeamT5 immediately to customize your exclusive endpoint protection!
2021.03.17Product Management

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