Key to Enterprise Resilience : Dark Web Intelligence

【Speech】 TeamT5 will be at ST Engineering Cybersecurity Summit (Singapore)

2023.08.23TeamT5 Media Center
We’re happy to be invited to give a speech at the ST Engineering InnoTech Conference.
Cybersecurity investment has been at the forefront of most digitisation. Even with more investment into cybersecurity, cyber threats are still skyrocketing. To provide the latest cyber threat trends, TeamT5 CEO, Sung-ting Tsai, will give a talk with the topic “Evolution of Digital Weapons of Chinese APT”.
The talk will mention that China has deliberately developed their capability in developing digital weapons, including weaponizing N-days or discovering 0days. Hackers from China have dominated Pwn2Own, a world famous computer hacking contest, for several years before 2017. Their achievements were well recognized. Everything changed in 2018 when Chinese authorities banned their security talents from attending overseas hacking contests. It is believed that China wants to limit these undisclosed vulnerabilities from leaking out of China. In the same year, China held their own Tianfu Cup, a Pwn2Own-like contest. A chain of iPhone exploits won the top prize. But this achievement was turned into a weapon and used in cyber attacks against Uyghur, according to Google research. This story demonstrated how China nationalized their security talent's efforts.
In this talk, we will walk you through exploits utilized in Chinese APT attacks in the past 5 years and analyze the threat actors leveraged these exploits. We will also discuss how these exploits changed TTPs of Chinese APT and the potential reasons behind these changes.
Save the date!


📌Date: September 5, 2023
📌Time: 13:30 - 15:00 (Track 4)
📌Venue: Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Level 4, Roselle Simpor Ballroom
2023.08.23TeamT5 Media Center

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