[APT Threat Landscape in APAC] Blurred Lines of Cyber Attacks

TeamT5 Attends HITBSecConf and Illustrate North Korea Hacker Group’s APTs

2021.05.28TeamT5 Media Center
TeamT5 consists of top cyber threat analysts. Leveraging our geographic and cultural advantages, we have the best understanding of cyber attackers in Asia Pacific.
Our senior threat intelligence analyst Linda Kuo & senior threat intelligence researcher DuckLL Liao presented their research in HITBSecConf 2021. On the topic of "The Phishermen: Dissecting Phishing Techniques of CloudDragon APT", they prepare real cases and in-depth analysis on CloudDragon APT’s various phishing techniques. Some of the personal data collected in previous stage can be reused as baits, followed by CloudDragon;s proprietary backdoor BabyShark and AppleSeed. Thorough technical analysis on the process and malware will be illustrated clearly in the presentation. Windows is not the only platform the group manipulates. We also observed them spreading to android system and managing to approach their targets via different methods.
More details of the speech can be found on the official website.
phishing process
About HITBSecConf
HITBSecConf or the Hack In The Box Security Conference is an annual event for security researchers and professionals around the world. It aims for gathering the discussion and dissemination of next generation computer security issues during two days of training and multi-track conference.
The event is held annually in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Amsterdam in The Netherlands. Due to COVID-19, 2021 event was held online.
*Image courtesy of HITBSecConf
2021.05.28TeamT5 Media Center

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