
【WIRED 採訪報導】Security News This Week: A Mysterious Leak Exposed Chinese Hacking Secrets

2024.02.23TeamT5 Media Center
TeamT5 資安威脅情資分析團隊接受 WIRED 訪問,針對近期「安洵信息公司」洩漏的文件進行評論與分析。本文為摘錄,完整文章請見 WIRED
Hundreds of documents linked to a Chinese hacking-for-hire firm were dumped online this week. The files belong to i-Soon, a Shanghai-based company, and give a rare glimpse into the secretive world of the industry that supports China’s state-backed hacking. The leak includes details of Chinese hacking operations, lists of victims and potential targets, and the day-to-day complaints of i-Soon staff.
“These leaked documents support TeamT5’s long-standing analysis: China's private cybersecurity sector is pivotal in supporting China’s APT attacks globally,” Che Chang, a cyber threat analyst at the Taiwan-based cybersecurity firm TeamT5, tells WIRED. Chang says the company has been tracking i-Soon since 2020 and found that it has a close relationship with Chengdu 404, a company linked to China’s state-backed hackers.

*首圖來源: pexels
2024.02.23TeamT5 Media Center

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