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TeamT5 Presents Latest Analysis on Information Operation on CTI Summit 2022

2022.02.09TeamT5 Media Center
In 2022 event, TeamT5’s cyber threat intelligence analysts Che Chang and Silvia Yeh present their research of 2 Chinese InfoOp campaigns in 2020/2021 (#StopXinjiangRumours and #PatriotGoverningHongKong) by using the Adversarial Misinformation and Influence Tactics and Techniques framework at CTI Summit.
The slides of the speech can be downloaded on the official website. ➡ Download Link
The video is on the official channel now. ➡ Video Link
CTI Summit 2022_pic.png
Diamond Model of Video-Based InfoOps Analysis

About CTI Summit

CTI Summit is organized by SANS Institute annually. It’s an international event that gathers experts to give talks. And it provides opportunities for professionals to connect and network with the threat intel community.
*Image courtesy of SANS Institute
2022.02.09TeamT5 Media Center
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