9月12日(木)~9月13日(金) TeamT5 はECONOSEC JAPAN 2024(主催:時事通信社)に参加いたします。

TeamT5 Presents Analysis on Chinese Information Operation on CTI Summit 2021

2021.01.21TeamT5 Media Center
TeamT5 consists of top cyber threat analysts. Leveraging our geographic and cultural advantages, we have the best understanding of cyber attackers in Asia Pacific. Since 2016, we have been researching Chinese information operations and publishing many research reports.
In CTI Summit 2021 , TeamT5’s cyber threat intelligence analysts Che Chang and Silvia Yeh gave a speech on the topic "Analyzing Chinese Information Operations with Threat Intelligence". They assess targeted social media campaigns spreading disinformation based on highly confidential data & how it could be used against other countries. This type of information operation can cause distrust & chaos in democratic societies.
The slides of the speech can be downloaded on the official website. ➡ Download Link
The video of the speech can be viewed on SANS Institute’s official Youtube Channel. ➡ Video Link
CTI Summit 2021_pic.png
Diamond Model of Video-Based InfoOps Analysis

About CTI Summit

CTI Summit is organized by SANS Institute annually. It’s an international event that gathers experts to give talks. And it provides opportunities for professionals to connect and network with the threat intel community.
*Image courtesy of SANS Institute
2021.01.21TeamT5 Media Center
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