
【The Register 採訪報導】Meet TeamT5, the Taiwanese infosec outfit taking on Beijing and defeating its smears

2023.06.04TeamT5 Media Center
TeamT5 資安威脅情資團隊接受 The Register 訪問,分享威脅情資研究焦點與曾遭遇的假新聞攻擊。本文為摘錄,完整文章請見 The Register
TeamT5 has long expected that Beijing is aware of its work. The cyber security firm specializes in identifying persistent threats, with its Taiwan location, language skills, and youthful workforce's appreciation of Asian pop culture giving it a unique perspective on threats emerging from and/or targeting the region. The company's skills span computer and political science, with the latter discipline useful to develop an understanding of motives behind the attacks its analysts witness.
完整文章請見 The Register

*首圖來源: pexels
2023.06.04TeamT5 Media Center

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