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【CyberScoop採訪報導】Leaked documents show how firm supports Chinese hacking operations

2024.02.20TeamT5 Media Center
TeamT5 資安威脅情資分析團隊接受 CyberScoop 訪問,針對近期「安洵信息公司」洩漏的文件進行評論與分析。本文為摘錄,完整文章請見 CyberScoop
A tranche of documents posted to GitHub five days ago reveals that Chinese contractors working to support Beijing’s hacking operations...Since their release over the weekend, the trove of documents from a Chinese offensive security company, I-SOON, have stunned researchers, who say the set of contracts, product manuals and employee lists leaked online provides an unprecedented view of how private companies support China’s increasingly aggressive hacking operations.
Analysts with the Taiwan-based TeamT5 cybersecurity firm said the leaked documents support their longstanding analysis that “China’s private cybersecurity sector is pivotal in supporting China’s APT attacks globally.”
The material also confirms prior TeamT5 findings highlighting the company’s work with the Chinese government to target online gambling, as well as the company’s own money-driven ransomware campaigns, which are likely being conducted because “China’s national security cut the budget to pay these private companies.”

完整文章請見 CyberScoop

*首圖來源: pexels
2024.02.20TeamT5 Media Center

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